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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is the time to reflect on how very thankful you are for all that you have.  There is so much I am thankful for.  Every year I try to make a list of all that I am thankful for and although I won't put it all on here just know that I have a long list. 

We ate at my parents house for lunch and headed to Wesley's mom and dad's house for dinner.  We ate WAY too much, but it was perfect. 

My weekend started off dealing with the craziness of Black Friday.  Oh yes, believe I was there!  Which brings me to another thing I am thankful for.  I'm thankful for the nutjob that pushed me down to get to the Disney Deluxe 6-piece Playset at Wally World.  Yep, I'm thankful.  Because she made me realize that without these unbalanced people in life things would be so much more boring.  I did in fact have a great conversation piece for the next couple of days which in fact made others smile.  Why get mad?  I wasn't hurt and I have the upper hand because if she had read my blog Frugal Living At Its Finest she would have known that $29 for the set wasn't the best deal so I wasn't even trying to get it.  ;o)

Then I head over to Belk and witness a display of disgust because someone cut in line to get the free gift card.  I heard bickering, fussing and name calling for 2 hours.  I am thankful for that because otherwise it would have been unbearable sitting there for 2 hours with no entertainment.  Not to mention I had to pee really bad!  And I'm thankful for the $5 gift card I got because it was free! 

After all the excitement I slept half of the day away and when I awoke from my coma we got to work on our Christmas tree.  It's a Charlie Brown Christmas tree and I love it.  I learned many years ago not to buy the big fancy trees when you have kids.  They're just gonna tear it up anyway.  So, a couple of years ago I hit the after Christmas sale at WallyWorld and got a $50 pre-lit tree for only $5.  I like the pre-lit trees because I hate hanging lights.  And I am glad that I only paid $5 for the tree because 5 minutes after we hung the last ornament Madison knocked it down and somehow screwed up the bottom limbs and they are now hanging all the way to the ground.  But that's cool - it was only $5! 

I hang my tree with crafts my babies did.  I find that my tree is more beautiful with these little works of art on it. 

We ended the night with a sinful amount of hot chocolate!

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